The Political Artist must put out a book, and have a uniform, and make speeches and go on TV and Radio, and have propaganda posters, and a flag, and special events, and holidays, and conduct a war, or wars.
A real nation does not necessarily have to have any particular government. A monarchy will do. It must have an army, and it must hold control of certain borders. Over the years I have conducted my study of Military History, History, (Political Science) in an attempt to be more perfectly able to lead the nation from the vision to its realization.
I was profoundly affected by my life in Rochdale College Toronto where I went immediately after graduation from High School. This was 1971. I was a well read hippie.
My number had not come up yet.
Rochdale's main business was drugs. All of the hallucinogenic drugs were legal in the building. There were classes and rent was supposed to be paid. It had some sort of government with a vice president and president and treasurer and a security force.
It was actually a very impressive achievement.
Still it was flawed and had enemies, and though some land and some of its peoples do still at this time have a presence in the wilds of Canada, it is not the great nation of our own it might have been, or could have become. Much of its downfall revolved around corruption of the Security Force, of which I was a part. That corruption is directly attributable to the cocaine trade that overtook and corrupted the business.
I myself nearly got thrown out a window, and somewhere decided escape was a good idea.
Luckily my draft number came up 346. I definitely learned the difference between luxury enemies, and real enemies.
On one hand I was inspired and saw how much was possible in this world if you and others joined together and put your mind to something, and on the other had to recognize that you had better know what you are doing, or things could go very badly for you.
In the end we must recognize that no amount of written perfection will overcome corruption. We must believe together in the ideals and worth of what we are doing together to overcome the flaws we carry same as what religious types call original sin.
Of Anarchist principles I very much believe in Defense and Education as the main legitimate responsibilities of the government.
In the back of the passport I presented the bones of a government modeled after the anarchy that so well works for Alcoholics Anonymous. In working over the years to come up with a practical and workable government for Transcendia, even I am tempted to betray the original ideals that I find myself returning to now after all I have been through.
For those interested to seriously take up this work, and become a citizen of this new nation, here is the place we will finally decide what will work good enough for us to help mankind get through and surpass this bottleneck, as Jared Diamond characterizes these times.
Reading the passport is a good idea.
Much of possible perfection for Transcendia is the conflict between the demands of flight for pilots, and the danger of drugs to that capability. We can say without a doubt that pot ought to be legal for people to have and use, and the reason it isn't is a corruption. Cops tell me the only reason they arrest people for pot, is if they can't get them for something else.
Recent events in the US pretty much ought to force us who depend on the US and our citizenship to come up with another plan, and right quick.
We had better just face it, we are going to have to defend ourselves.
I really now have very little to lose, considering my age, and some serious other natural issues.
I was influenced by my Boy Scout leaders who raced cars and were happy to blow up engines across a winning finish line.
I believe I have just enough time and if careful the energy to see the flag up and working well in the world.
It is going to require revenues.
Ironically Insurance is the key, for Transcendians together with the best insurance can use their lives as wealth, and find parity with capital.
Some of the nuts and bolts of the nation are still a bit rough, but the ideal of a great and grand civilization spread over the planet home, is in place.
When the US Congress did not last Monday after the downgrade of the US credit rating, immediately eject those who signed the Norquist Nation, I was forced to go forward despise a few significant defensive and operational flaws in this real world.
We are a bit vulnerable, to attack. This wiki is particularly vulnerable, but thats alright, we will push on.
Friday August 12/2011/Constant War/The Political Arts
Most Transcendians live in the US and still have US citizenship. Transcendia was created due to my judgement that the US had become about impossible to look hopefully at. Transcendia's story has long been my story. But now it is different, and getting more grand.