I am wondering if all my original concepts for the nation of Transcendia, are better than some of my newer concepts. New concepts have come from nuts and bolts concerns. There are pressures and concerns regarding defense in the world today. I remember when you could just drive to, or walk on an airport. It was a lovely civilized exciting place.
The reality now is that there will be security issues for any viable international airport.
I don't get to make up a world that is safe and secure and civilized, without some effort.
It turns out that it is a great deal of work to carry weapons. They are dangerous, but needed.
It makes sense to have people check their guns in the bars, as same as drinking and flying don't mix well, drinking with guns on has some real potential for events worthy of regret.
So in fact if we want to succeed in creating a real nation the nuts and bolts of how it is defended must be addressed before we go on to Education.
We will go to Education next after defense is addressed.
Then we will turn to where the money comes from. I'm leaning heavily on Fees since for a bunch of pilots and airplanes and artists no particularly great bureaucratic institution has to be set up around the money. The fairness of it appears in some of the simple clarity of a Fee Based national revenue stream.
What must be avoided is nationalization once we get good and going, as happened to Freeport.
It will be good if California legalizes pot. Would take some of my thunder, but save me some legal battles. I want pot taxable and legal on Transcendian Airports as a source of income.
An earlier war I thought about undertaking would be for control in the underground of Coke field airports, but decided I could make a better movie of that scenario, than put my time into any real war.
In some of my serious writings I have recently gone out of my way to use profanity. This is because we have serious reasons to be angry about these things, the actions of others, if not as well our own failings. I may curse even some of my selves.
When I was doing Stand Up Comedy, I discovered I was not able to just wing it because stagelights wiped out my brain. There is a reason people who go on stage may wear sunglasses.
Now it is as if I note that I myself have what is essentially a Stump Speech, and find myself saying the same things over and over.
Without hecklers, I suppose I become bored with myself. Bored with hearing myself over and over to the point I forget what I mean, and conviction is hard to hold onto.
Eddie Murphy said to me "I'm on stage, and your not!"
I've been made an Administrator here, so heckling will be part of the deal, I suppose…
It may be necessary.
I feel a bit like Zelig sometimes. I've been around. Don't get around much anymore, but I have met many people, and been many places enough to know some realities, and especially what is very serious business.
I bypass founding a Party, though maybe I ought to. I just want to found a nation of airports, partly for fun. Imagine that just because you are a Transcendian you can go to any airport in the world?
I need offices on every important airport.
Because you need an army more than you need a governmental organization of some great theory members, citizens of Transcendia are encouraged to possess and carry whatever weapons they are most suited for.
I myself ought to carry at least some pepperspray.
I do have a little pistol, but I will call the police in a second if I feel threatened.
Let us, here discuss Transcendian rules and regulations for application on Transcendian Airports without illusions.
The place I know to start is with the laws long standing as regards Maritime Law and how the Captain is allowed to have a gun, whereas the crew may not be so armed.
I am not an international attorney, so will accept advice concerning laws long standing in this area.
Hello Trans,
I'm not sure I understand the need for citizens to have access to weaponry. I have none, I don't like them, and won't carry one. I like the Transcendia concept but your opening statement sounds like a cross between a call for anarchy (there may be some merit there) and a bid for a survivalist-vigilante-type militia.
Could yew please elaborate on the point about weapons?